Overview of johnvincent.io Jekyll website
by John Vincent
Posted on March 1, 2017
- Html5
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- CSS3
- Sass
- Jekyll
- Ghost
- MongoDB
- Digital Ocean
- Ubuntu
- Nginx
- SSL certificates
- Node
- npm
- Jekyll
- Ghost
- MongoDB
- PM2
Deployment Overview
Building and Configuring a Droplet can be very complex.
This is the first part of series of documents describing how to create and configure a droplet hosting.
The following documents describe a series of tasks. They should be performed in the order shown.
- Create Ubuntu Droplet at Digital Ocean
- Digital Ocean - Install Nginx
- Configuring Domains at Google Domains
- Configure non-SSL Nginx at Digital Ocean
- SSL Certificates - Let’s Encrypt & Nginx
- Configure SSL Nginx at Digital Ocean
- Install Ghost on Ubuntu at Digital Ocean
- Configure Mailgun for Ghost
- Configure Ghost
- Install PM2 to keep Ghost running
- Adding Disqus to Ghost
- Adding Google Analytics for Ghost
- Install Jekyll on Ubuntu
- Install MongoDB on Ubuntu
- Google Webmaster Tools
Update SSL Certificates to Ubuntu at Digital Ocean
Maintaining Droplets at Digital Ocean
Deploy to Ubuntu at Digital Ocean
Website Validation
Configuring Site Map using Jekyll
Add file source/robots.txt
layout: null
User-agent: *
Sitemap: https://johnvincent.io/sitemap.xml
Add using Google Webmaster Tools
- Select:
- Crawl
- robots.txt Tester
- Submit