TaskMuncher V1 Overview

TaskMuncher V1 Overview

by John Vincent

Posted on October 28, 2018


TaskMuncher V1

TaskMuncher is a Task Management Productivity application.

Please see TaskMuncher Overview for the current version.


Live Deployment

TaskMuncher at Digital Ocean





Deploy TaskMuncher

TaskMuncher is deployed to a Digital Ocean Droplet.

TaskMuncher is also deployed to an AWS EC2 instance.

The following describe a series of tasks. They should be performed in the order shown.

  1. Create Ubuntu Droplet at Digital Ocean
  2. Digital Ocean - Install MongoDB
  3. Digital Ocean - Install Nginx
  4. Configuring Domains at Google Domains
  5. Configure non-SSL Nginx at Digital Ocean
  6. SSL Certificates - Let’s Encrypt & Nginx
  7. Configure SSL Nginx at Digital Ocean
  8. Backup TaskMuncher from Digital Ocean
  9. Deploy TaskMuncher React App to Digital Ocean
  10. Create Sitemap
  11. Google Webmaster Tools
  12. TaskMuncher Images and Favicons
  13. Facebook Application Id
  14. Configuring Meta Tags
  15. Adding Google Analytics
  16. Google Gmail Configuration
  17. Google Authentication

Deploy TaskMuncher to AWS

Deploy TaskMuncher to AWS





Production Deployment

Testing Deployment

For a simple application deployed from a single Github repository:

TaskMuncher has multiple Github repositories and thus is not suitable for Heroku. The testing deployment is another droplet at Digital Ocean, in effect a duplicate of the actual production environment.


Wireframes built using Balsamiq may be downloaded here