TaskMuncher V1 Overview
by John Vincent
Posted on October 28, 2018
TaskMuncher V1
TaskMuncher is a Task Management Productivity application.
Please see TaskMuncher Overview for the current version.
Live Deployment
Deploy TaskMuncher
TaskMuncher is deployed to a Digital Ocean Droplet.
TaskMuncher is also deployed to an AWS EC2 instance.
The following describe a series of tasks. They should be performed in the order shown.
- Create Ubuntu Droplet at Digital Ocean
- Digital Ocean - Install MongoDB
- Digital Ocean - Install Nginx
- Configuring Domains at Google Domains
- Configure non-SSL Nginx at Digital Ocean
- SSL Certificates - Let’s Encrypt & Nginx
- Configure SSL Nginx at Digital Ocean
- Backup TaskMuncher from Digital Ocean
- Deploy TaskMuncher React App to Digital Ocean
- Create Sitemap
- Google Webmaster Tools
- TaskMuncher Images and Favicons
- Facebook Application Id
- Configuring Meta Tags
- Adding Google Analytics
- Google Gmail Configuration
- Google Authentication
Deploy TaskMuncher to AWS
- React
- React DnD
- React Router
- Material-UI
- Progressive Web App
- Redux
- Redux Devtools
- Styled Components
- CSS3
- Sass
- Webpack
- Jest
- Enzyme
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Balsamiq
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Mocha
- Chai
- Winston
- Morgan
- Mailgun
- Gmail OAuth 2
- Google Authentication
- JS Doc
- ESLint
- Prettier
Production Deployment
Testing Deployment
For a simple application deployed from a single Github repository:
TaskMuncher has multiple Github repositories and thus is not suitable for Heroku. The testing deployment is another droplet at Digital Ocean, in effect a duplicate of the actual production environment.
Wireframes built using Balsamiq may be downloaded here