Upload TaskMuncher Docker .dockercfg to AWS

Upload TaskMuncher Docker .dockercfg to AWS

by John Vincent

Posted on June 4, 2021

As I am using a private repository at Dockerhub, a .dockercfg file must be uploaded to a S3 bucket at AWS.

To create a .dockercfg file, please see Create TaskMuncher Docker .dockercfg for AWS

This is part of a series of discussions regarding Deploying TaskMuncher, a React and Node application, to a Multi-Container Docker Environment at AWS using Dockerhub and Travis CI

For more details, please see Overview of Create Multi-Container Docker TaskMuncher Application at AWS

Please review AWS Production Architecture.

Please see Create Dockerrun.aws.json file for AWS

Upload .dockercfg to AWS

This file needs to uploaded to the S3 bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket must be hosted in the same region as the environment that is using it. Elastic Beanstalk will not download files from Amazon S3 buckets hosted in other regions.

To enable AWS to access a Private Repository at Dockerhub, there are steps that must be followed.

  • Go to Amazon S3 console
  • Select bucket elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-971716655829
  • Create folder dockercfg.taskmuncher
  • Select folder dockercfg.taskmuncher
  • Upload
  • Drag and drop file ./config/.dockercfg
  • Upload to confirm

Change properties

  • Go to Amazon S3 console
  • Select bucket elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-971716655829
  • Select folder dockercfg.taskmuncher
  • Select file .dockercfg
  • Find section Server-side encryption settings
    • Edit
    • Enable Server-side encryption
    • Encryption type: use default of Amazon S3 key
    • Save
