Technology Articles


by John Vincent

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ARIA is a set of special accessibility attributes which can be added to any markup, but is especially suited to HTML. The role attribute defines what the general type of object is (such as an article, alert, or slider). Additional ARIA attributes provide other useful properties, such as a description for a form or the current value of a progress bar.

ARIA is implemented in most popular browsers and screen readers. However, implementations vary and older technologies don't support it well (if at all). Use either "safe" ARIA that degrades gracefully, or ask users to upgrade to newer technology.

Feediator Overview

by John Vincent

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Deploy Feediator to Digital Ocean

by John Vincent

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Article that describes the creation and configuration of a Ubuntu droplet at Digital Ocean and the deployment of the Feediator application.

Feediator Website Validation

by John Vincent

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This document discusses validation issues for the website.

Feediator Project

by John Vincent

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Overview of Balsamiq

by John Vincent

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Let's create a reference document.

Handlebars in the Browser

by John Vincent

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Let's build the browser UI code with handlebars.

Feediator Google Authentication

by John Vincent

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There are a multitude of ways of going about this. I have chosen the following as it fits best with the architecture of the NewsReader application.

Feediator Facebook Authentication

by John Vincent

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There are a multitude of ways of going about this. I have chosen the following as it fits best with the architecture of the NewsReader application.

Express Handlebars

by John Vincent

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Straightforward stuff, so let us begin.

Express Cookies

by John Vincent

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Straightforward stuff, so let us begin.

Basic Express Server

by John Vincent

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For when a basic HTTP or Express server is needed.


by John Vincent

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This stuff ends up sprayed everywhere, so let's create a reference document.

Express Favicon

by John Vincent

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Straightforward stuff, so let us begin.


by John Vincent

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This stuff ends up sprayed everywhere, so let's create a reference document.

Json Web Tokens

by John Vincent

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Express application needed a middleware layer to handle authentication and access control.


by John Vincent

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This stuff ends up sprayed everywhere, so let's create a reference document.

Node Environment

by John Vincent

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  • Code is checked into a remote repository. It cannot contain any information that should be private, for example

Sending Emails from Express Application

by John Vincent

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Sending emails from an Express Application is a standard requirement.

Google Custom Search and Jekyll

by John Vincent

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Configuring Google Custom Search with Jekyll is straightforward. Let us begin.